Quality & environment
Our objective is to be renowned and respected for quality workmanship. This is a strategic task that concerns the companys total business and all personnel categories. Any product and service that the company markets shall fully satisfy the quality requirements and expectations agreed upon with the customers, and other interested parties. Each delivery shall serve as a recommendation for future business.
Intended quality will be achieved by having a zero error approach to all operations, by taking preventive actions and by having an active quality and improvement process, and the commitment to comply with requirements and continuously to improve the quality system.
Show certificate: Certificate 2021
All industrial activities have an environmental influence, and so does Ingelsten & Co AB. We see it as our obligation to reduce the environmental impact wherever ecologically appropriate and economically rational. Our business will seek to protect the environment and to minimize the use of energy and natural resources. We will seek to improve the environmental performances continuously. We comply with the laws, requirements, and regulations which apply to our business. We seek to handle the environmental issues in a way to ensure that our customers, our staff and society can have absolute confidence in us. We regularly review our environmental goals and actions in the light of new knowledge. All our personnel and others, who may be concerned, shall be involved and whenever necessary they will be continuously trained in our environmental performance.